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The Quick Start Guide to Freshwater Aquariums

Many first-time fish keepers start out in the hobby with freshwater aquariums, and if this is the case for you, we at API® are here to help you set up your very first freshwater tank! Keeping an aquarium is a highly personal and creative project, as no two fish tanks are exactly the same, and this article will walk you through all of the necessary steps to guarantee initial success in making your perfect underwater world.

One of the first things you’ll need to take into consideration is the size of your tank, as well as whether you’d prefer to have a glass or acrylic aquarium. If you’re working with a smaller space, a 5-10 gallon tank may be the right choice, but do keep in mind that sudden changes in water parameters are more likely to affect smaller aquariums than larger aquariums. A 20-gallon tank is a great size if you’re just starting out, allowing you some room for error as well as enough room to add multiple fish. The material of your tank is entirely subjective, as it makes little difference whether you select a glass or acrylic aquarium. Note, however, that your cleaning supplies will need to be conducive to your tank’s material (for instance, API makes algae scrub brushes and scrapers specifically for glass aquariums, and others for acrylic aquariums).

After selecting your aquarium, the next step is to consider what type of equipment you’ll need for your specific aquatic community. If you plan on keeping tropical fish, a heater will be necessary. You’ll also need to purchase a high-quality filter and effective filtration media for any tank you select, as this will keep your water clean and healthy for your fish. API offers a wide range of FILSTAR XP filters in different sizes, and a line of several types of filtration media to target specific issues within an aquarium. We recommend API® BIO-CHEM ZORB to start, as this media will work to eliminate basic odors, colors, and other pollutants from your water.

Once you have your aquarium and equipment selected, it’s time to decorate and fill your tank! Aside from gravel and other aquarium ornaments, one decorative decision you’ll need to make is whether you prefer fake or live aquatic plants. There are benefits to both, and neither is better than the other. However, if you opt for live aquarium plants, you’ll need to keep in mind that many types of fish species eat plants, so you’ll need to choose fish that don’t have plant-based diets. A few good freshwater fish that are compatible with aquatic plants include Barbs, Livebearers, and many types of Tetras. You should also keep in mind that aquatic plants, like regular plants, require nutrition and care to remain healthy. API offers several fertilizers and carbon-based treatments to help your plants thrive, such as API® ROOT TABS, API® CO2 BOOSTER, and API® LEAF ZONE.

Before you can add fish to your aquarium, it’s necessary to treat your water with a dechlorinator to eliminate harmful chemicals, such as chlorine and chloramines, that can burn gills and challenge your fish’s respiratory system. The transition from a pet store to a brand new aquarium environment can be stressful for your fish, so select a water conditioner and dechlorinator like API® STRESS COAT to make the adjustment period easier. STRESS COAT contains soothing Aloe Vera to replace your fish’s slime coat after handling, netting, and other stressful actions, and may be used as frequently as necessary for a variety of functions (water changes, disease recovery, etc.) Another great product to use as you start your new aquarium is API® QUICK START, which introduces beneficial bacteria to your tank to start the natural aquarium cycle.

If you’ve completed all of the above steps, congratulations! You’re now ready to introduce your fish to their new home. A good way to acclimate your fish to the aquarium is in large plastic baggies, placing the bags directly into aquarium water while still closed. This will enable your fish to adjust to the different water temperature of your tank before you release them directly into their new environment.

Freshwater tanks are fun and easy to keep, and make a beautiful addition to any personal space. We know you’ll enjoy your new underwater world – happy fish keeping!


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