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API® Feature Product | Pond Algae Cure

As a pond owner, one thing you’ll have to stay on top of is algae growth, which can become rampant and overwhelming if left untreated. In order to maintain clean and clear water conditions for a beautiful pond environment, you’ll need to treat your water properly when you notice green water or algae growth, and API® is here to help with API® POND ALGAE CURE.

Effectively eliminating green water caused by multiple kinds of algae, API® POND ALGAE CURE is the quick and effective solution to green water, and algae growth, and works to restore your water to clear conditions. Before using, it is important to ensure that your pond has adequate aeration to avoid any potential consequence of low oxygen levels, which naturally drop when algae is controlled or removed by the filter. This is especially true for warmer weather, where pond water naturally carries less oxygen.

API® POND ALGAE CURE may be used not only in ponds, but is also safe for use with waterfalls and fountains, and may be used with live fish and plants (provided aeration is plentiful).

When used as directed, API® POND ALGAE CURE is a powerful tool for controlling and eliminating algae so that you can spend less time cleaning your pond and more time enjoying it.

Make the most out of pond season with API®, and expect a clean, healthy pond all season long!

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